To all my current and prospective families:
I Have Good News!
I am keeping the same rates as last year:
- $38 for 30-minute lessons
- $57 for 45-minute lessons
These rates will remain in effect until the end of June 2025.
March 9th Recital
Details will be shared in January, but please note:
- There is a $38 fee to participate in this ensemble recital (featuring Trevor and Neil on bass and drums).
- Donations will be accepted at the door.
New Tuition Rates (Jan–Jun 2025)
For transparency, while the lesson rates remain the same, the monthly tuition will include a $14 administrative fee to cover operational costs (recitals, supplies, insurance, software, etc.). It helped a lot this past Fall. Here's the breakdown (please note that from now to June 30 there are 26 weeks, and this calculation shows 20 weeks/lessons. I will be taking time off during Spring Break, a trip to Venezuela, and at the end of the school year/summer, more in a follow-up email):
30-minute lessons:
20 lessons x $38 = $760 + $14 admin fee = $774 ÷ 6 months = $129/month -
45-minute lessons:
20 lessons x $57 = $1,140 + $14 admin fee = $1,154 ÷ 6 months = $192/month
This admin fee allows me to cover expenses and ensures there will be no recital fees for the Spring Recitals, which will be happening on May 17th at 4 pm (more details coming soon). Donations will be accepted at the door.
Looking Ahead:
I anticipate a slight tuition increase in the second half of 2025. I’ll provide details in April or May